No doubt about it, a quart of AMSOIL costs more than a quart of most other oils on the market. What justifies that high price? Does AMSOIL really cost more to use?
With lubricants, you get what you pay for. Low-cost oils are formulated with low-cost, low-quality materials and marketed specifically on their low price. The problem with most low-cost, low-quality lubricants is that they can't maintain their original performance very long once they are exposed to the harsh environment of the engine or other lubricated systems. They break down, lose their ability to protect, and worse yet, contribute to component degradation by producing sludge, acids and other performance-robbing substances.
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are performance-formulated, not cost-formulated. In fact, AMSOIL synthetic lubricants often contain materials that other oil makers don't include in their formulations simply because of cost considerations. But the AMSOIL emphasis on product quality pays off for the customer with longer-lasting, better-performing cars, equipment and lubricants. In fact, AMSOIL users who extend their lubricant drain intervals actually save money over what they'd spend on conventional lubricants changed at conventional drain intervals.*Example Conventional motor oils should be changed at approximately 6,000 mile intervals. Popular conventional motor oils cost approximately $2.00 a quart.
AMSOIL synthetic motor oils (excluding the XL motor oils) may be used for intervals of 25,000 miles or one year whichever comes first. AMSOIL ATM, AMO and ASL cost $7.05 a quart (U.S. pricing). Become a Preferred Customer and save even more!
- FACT: Most passenger cars hold five quarts of oil.
- Labor costs about $15 for an oil change.
- The cost of driving 25,000 miles with conventional oil: .............................$100.00
- The cost of driving 25,000 miles with AMSOIL OIL:....................................$ 35.25
Savings: ....................................................$64.75:
Tip: You can order Amsoil, have it shipped to your door and take it in to an oil change place to have it installed.
This doesn't even take into account fuel economy savings. The time saved through extended drain intervals is valuable, too. After all, how much is it worth to you to spend time off doing something you enjoy rather than changing motor oil?
Those who use AMSOIL EAA Air Filters also save over what they'd spend on conventional air filters.
Air filters should be changed at 15,000 to 30,000 mile intervals, depending on service. A conventional air filter may cost $14.00. AMSOIL EAA air filters are guaranteed 100,000 mile or 4 years. The EAA129 AMSOIL Absolute Efficiency Air Filter costs approximately $34.15 (U.S. pricing).
- The cost of driving 30,000 to 60,000 miles with conventional filters (two filters):...............................................$28.00
- The cost of driving 100,000 miles with the AMSOIL EAA129 good for 100,000 miles or 4 years (gently blow clean at 25,000 miles/1year)..........$34.15
Savings: ........................................................$42.00+Savings increase by $14 increments each time the purchase of a new conventional filter is avoided by reuse of the AMSOIL EAA Air Filter.
Motorists who use the AMSOIL Absolute Efficiency Oil Filter (EAO) also save money over what they'd spend on conventional oil filters.
Conventional oil filters should be changed at approximately 6000 miles intervals. Conventional oil filters cost about $7.00.
AMSOIL EAO Filters may be used for 25,000 miles or 1 year, whichever comes first. The AMSOIL EAO-24 Filter costs $15.75 (U.S. pricing).
- The cost of driving 25,000 miles with a conventional filter:.........................$28.00
- The cost of driving 25,000 miles with an AMSOIL EAO-24: ...........................$15.75
Savings: ................................................................$12.25
*See example 1 for the cost of labor for an oil and filter change.
- OIL.............$64.75
- OIL FILTER......$64.75
- AIR FILTER......$42.00+
*Contact us for a price quote now PRICE QUOTE please include year, model & engine size.